How to install/setup

Please remember to check system requirements in the Architecture section before setup


Short instruction

Clone/Download TheRDL GIT repository. Deploy SQL schema files onto your SQL Server. Optionally add your settings in the DB tables. Find RDL file, deploy it onto your Reporting Server, update data source to point into Server/DB where SQL schema was deployed. Run the report(s).

Detailed instruction

Optionally run in similar way ExamplesInstall.sql

At this stage everything is fully installed and ready to be used

Optionally add configuration settings into dbo.TherdlSetting table. For example:

The below example code has been already applied if you installed ExamplesInstall.sql

INSERT INTO dbo.TherdlSetting(Code, Description, OrderID, DBName, SchemaName, ObjectName, ShowOnlyColumnsArrayListJSON)
VALUES('CustomerInfo', 'Expose customer information', 10, DB_NAME(), 'dbo', 'Customer', '["ID", "Active", "Name"]')

Run SQLKiss - TheRDL:

Last updated